Deload Week – Be back in Seven days.

I’ve decided to embark on the dreaded deload week this week. I think it will give me some time to catch up on some much needed catching-up-on’s. I’ve also not programmed very well, and I honestly forgot about deload week. Don’t be scared Convicts, I will be back. I’ll catch you guys in seven days. Leave me some comments, or not 🙂




Dont want to injure myself further

Hey Convicts,

As you can tell my posts have become a bit sparse. I know my birthday month would take its toll on my routines, but I didnt anticipate my rotator cuff, and cartilage in my chest to become an issue. I’m going to take some time off to let it heal, it doesnt give me any real issues while I’m working out, but it doesnt seem to be getting any better, and I would absolutely like to not injure myself so I’m out for months. That would be a sad day! I still plan on doing my run’s, and jump rope ( maybe ).

I’m not sure, but it makes me mad knowing that I’ll have to take a bit of a break. It’s going to put a damper on my progress unfortunately, but its better to get it over with now I’ve determined.

Feel free to drop me a line on your workouts are treating ya, or if you’re struggling with something in particular – See you guys soon!



What do you think?

Hey Convicts,

Skipping all the stories, I’m not going to be doing the NCCPT course anymore. I learned an awful lot from it, but I’ve realized that it doesnt align with my goals for becoming a Personal Trainer. I’ve decided to refocus my efforts on MovNat.

That being said, I just came across this bit of info, and was curious what your take on it was.

It is a very positive thing to be fit, but are you


No Competing!

I’m reading this article about the creator of Methode Naturelle — the Natural Method. I’m becoming an incredibly big fan, and I just wanted to share this bit from the article that spoke to me.

 When you try to beat the other guy, he believed, you test the other man’s weaknesses and not your own.


18th of February, 2013 — The start of the 800 Pushups per week

Hey o’ Convicts,

I couldnt leave you guys be for an entire week with no workouts! So I’ve decided to start doing 20 Pushups per hour for the work week! Here’s a link to a Google calendar I created with reminders if anyone’s interested in adding it to their calendar.

To add to your existing gCal:

Webpage version:

I’m trying to figure out a way to establish this into a charity sort of deal – any suggestions?

